New York Fashion Week desperadoes from across the US are facing summary judgement as the high profile Shortcuts Most Wanted Rodney Cutler competition comes to a close. A final line-up of 10 suspects, identified by a panel of forensic specialists including Rodney himself, is now up on the Shortcuts Most Wanted site. Each has been found guilty with incriminating evidence in the guise of home-crafted films,but who do you think is the ultimate mastermind of the group? As judge and jury, you must decide who deserves one week’s confinement backstage at New York Fall Fashion week, forced to do hard labor assisting one of the most creative and talented session stylists, New York-based Rodney Cutler.
To win, aspiring Fashion Week session stylists with a license to cut hair (or actively working on one) had to make a short film and then post it on YouTube for everyone to witness. The subject? What they were guilty of that made them such a good hairdresser. In the first round votes cast by viewers influenced the decision of the Shortcuts panel, but only 10 finalists could go through and they are now desperately seeking more votes from the industry’s toughest judges – you. But you can only cast one vote, so weigh up the evidence.
You can do your own investigation at to see who doesn’t mind doing time for their crime.
Cutler Finalist Promo from Shortcuts Software on Vimeo.
Image and video courtesy of Linkup Marketing.
Related: Mary Tran Announced Winner of Rodney Cutler Shortcuts Competition | Rodney Cutler Joins the Most Wanted List | Fashion Week Update: Backstage with Rodney Cutler at Nicholas K. | Michael Gordon Joins Cutler as Partner
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