WEB EXCLUSIVE! Allen Edwards and Samantha Skudlarek reveal what really happens on reality TV.
EDITOR'S NOTE: What follows are snippets of actual emails sent to Allen Edwards following the August 29 episode of the Style Network’s Split Ends. Click here to read the emails in full!
To Allen Edwards, the petty sadist, bully, and self-important fop...
Samantha Skudlarek, a supercute 20-year-old transplant from the tiny town of Randolph, New York, swapped places with Alireza “Denis” Chetzan from Allen Edwards’ Brentwood, California, salon.
Chaos, at least for Skudlarek, ensued—spurring a litany of angry emails from outraged viewers about Edwards’ harsh treatment of the young stylist.
“I’m not known as a pussycat,” laughs Edwards. “That’s OK. I don’t mind that.” But even Edwards was surprised at the venom with which some viewers attacked him. “I didn’t expect anything like this!” he exclaims. “The biggest problem was her age. It was like sending a sheep into a lion’s den!”