Rodney Cutler Joins the Most Wanted List

One lucky hair professional, guilty of being criminally brilliant at their trade, will be conspiring with session supremo and celebrity stylist Rodney Cutler next year to create beautiful runway hair during New York Fall Fashion Week 2012.

Determined to uncover the best business minds in the industry, Shortcuts Software is launching a competition with Cutler on 1 May, offering a reward of a trip for two to New York City, with the actual winner assisting Cutler backstage at the Fall Fashion Week 2012 next February.

Over the past few months, Shortcuts has been building a library of videos on its Most Wanted website featuring top salon owners revealing what they believe has contributed to their success. Now it wants everyone to get posting their home-grown versions.

“We want salon owners and managers to submit home-made videos revealing what they are ‘guilty of’ that makes them successful,” said Paul Tate, CEO of Shortcuts Software. “It doesn’t have to be a sleek and glossy production, in fact it must be done using a personal video camera. We just want them to have fun making it and for there to be a serious message that can help others build their businesses.”

Aspiring Fashion Week session stylists must make a film to enter the competition, post it on YouTube and then fill out an entry on the Most Wanted website. Shortcuts will be posting tips on the Most Wanted site about how to make a fun film, and hosting webinars later in the year to make it even easier.

All entries will be embedded on the site for everyone to watch, rate and comment on until the closing date on July 31st. Cutler and his creative team will then narrow the selection down to 10 finalists, whose films will be posted on the Most Wanted site for voting in September 2011. The winner will be voted by viewers and then whisked off to New York for a trip of a lifetime during Fashion Week of 2012.

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