Meet Lane Cook: Beauty Launchpad 30 Over 30 Winner for 2024

Get to know Lane Cook (@myhairmagick). She is a hairstylist and owner of My Hair Magick Studio in Puyallup, WA.
Get to know Lane Cook (@myhairmagick). She is a hairstylist and owner of My Hair Magick Studio in Puyallup, WA.
Courtesy of Lane Cook

We are spotlighting the winners of Beauty Launchpad’s 30 Over 30 contest, sponsored by Denman Brush.

Get to know Lane Cook (@myhairmagick). She is a hairstylist and owner of My Hair Magick Studio in Puyallup, WA.


Beauty Launchpad (BLP): What is a fun fact about you? 

Lane Cook (LC): My favorite fun fact that I tell pretty much everyone is that I share a birthday with the queen Beyoncé.

BLP: How did you get your start in the industry?

LC: When I was young, my mother used to straighten my curly hair because she didn't know how to manage it. Unfortunately, the relaxers she used ended up causing damage to my hair, leaving it dry, brittle and unable to grow properly. Determined to take matters into my own hands, I made the decision at the age of 11 to start managing my own hair. This experience sparked a deep passion for hair care within me. After graduating high school, I pursued my passion by attending cosmetology school, where I discovered my greatest love: hair color and lightening.

BLP: What is your proudest achievement in the industry thus far? 

LC: I am really proud of this significant achievement! Being selected for 30 over 30 has left me feeling both humbled and honored. In addition to this recognition, I also achieved another milestone last year by opening my own salon suite. The sacred space I have created for my clients and myself allows us to work together and create hair magick that is truly transformative. 

BLP: What advice would you give to the younger version of yourself just starting out in the industry, looking back on your whole career? 

LC: If I were to offer advice to a younger version of myself, I would strongly recommend taking specialized classes and seeking out a mentor. If it had been feasible for me at the start, honing in on a specific area within the industry and becoming a master in that field would have been immensely beneficial. I encourage new stylists to seize every opportunity to take relevant classes and become an expert in your chosen niche. Doing so attracts the most remarkable clients, allows you to produce your finest work and grants you the longevity we all aspire to achieve in this industry.

BLP: What is your current favorite hair trend? 

LC: I am OBSESSED with BLOCK COLORS. I am also really loving the super pastel vivid platinum blondes. I LOVE Japanese hime style cuts right now, as well as super shaggy curly shapes and finger waves. I really enjoy seeing different shapes and atypical colors in hair. 

BLP: What is a valuable hair tip that you want to share with your fellow stylists (whether it’s a business tip or something related to styling/working with hair)?

LC: My top recommendation would be to prioritize self-care in every aspect of your life. Behind the chair, it's crucial to take care of your mind, body and spirit. Ensure you stay hydrated, have regular meals and take breaks to stretch and rejuvenate. Nourish your spirit with activities that resonate with your soul. With almost 13 years of experience behind the chair, I have realized that making my health a priority is the best thing I've done for myself and my business. Remember, you can’t pour into others from an empty vessel. 

BLP: What inspires your work?

LC: I find inspiration from a wide range of sources, including nature, art, animals and other hair artists online. From anime characters and Netflix shows to dreamy skies and mountain scenery, I draw inspiration from various elements in my surroundings. Additionally, I often draw inspiration from other artists who inspire me. As a Projector, according to my Human Design, I possess a special ability to observe something and transform it into something even more remarkable and unique. 

BLP: What is something that keeps you passionate and motivated in the industry each day?

LC: The exhilarating universe of vivid colors and the sheer beauty that I am able to create on hair never fails to amaze and drive me forward. As a deeply creative individual, I am incredibly fortunate to be in a position where many of my clients grant me complete artistic freedom. Their unwavering trust and belief in my craft serve as my ultimate motivation. This trust empowers me to embrace new trends, explore my own original concepts and approach my work with unbridled joy and passion rather than perceiving it as work.

BLP: What changes would you like to see the industry make in order to grow/change/evolve/be better than it was before?

LC: I am passionate about advocating for greater equity and inclusion within the industry. In 2020, I noticed that many brands and publications engaged in performative activism but not all have followed through on their commitments. It is my sincere desire to witness a significant increase in the representation of Black women and women of color in positions of power, with fair and equal pay. I also believe it is crucial to have more Black and brown individuals as platform artists and brand representatives. Although the industry has made positive strides during my 13 years behind the chair, there is still a long way to go.

BLP: What is a career goal you have for yourself?

LC: In the future, I have a vision of opening a full service salon/spa. My ultimate aim is to create a safe and peaceful haven for my clients where they can escape from the stresses of the world, even if it's just for a short while during a haircut or treatment. I think having a full space for energy healing and spa services would go hand in hand with the hair experience I am already offering. I feel grateful to have received positive feedback regarding my teaching skills. Despite my fear of public speaking, I am determined to overcome it in order to fulfill another goal of offering classes and sharing my knowledge with fellow stylists. The opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of others in the industry would bring me a great sense of satisfaction and joy. 

To see the full list of winners, read Beauty Launchpad's May/June issue.

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