Meet Jessica Rowland: Beauty Launchpad 30 Over 30 Winner for 2024

Get to know Jessica Rowland (@row_house_hair). She is a master hairstylist at Row House Hair in Long Island, NY.
Get to know Jessica Rowland (@row_house_hair). She is a master hairstylist at Row House Hair in Long Island, NY.
Courtesy of Jessica Rowland

We are spotlighting the winners of Beauty Launchpad’s 30 Over 30 contest, sponsored by Denman Brush.

Get to know Jessica Rowland (@row_house_hair). She is a master hairstylist at Row House Hair in Long Island, NY.


Beauty Launchpad (BLP): What is a fun fact about you?

Jessica Rowland (JR): A fun fact about me is that I love to craft, create clothing and do interior design! 

BLP: How did you get your start in the industry?

JR: Growing up, I always had a love for chopping Barbie’s hair! I always knew I wanted to go to cosmetology. When I was in middle school, my friend's mom was a hairstylist, and we used to raid her “hair closet” and color each other's hair. The rest is history!

BLP: What is your proudest achievement in the industry thus far?

JR: Being an independent stylist and building my business literally on my own! It wasn’t overnight, and it was a lot of hard work, but I built a full book of the most amazing clients, became part of the Beauty Launchpad education team and made amazing connections and relationships, where I now work closely with some amazing hair product and industry companies! 

BLP: What advice would you give to the younger version of yourself just starting out in the industry, looking back on your whole career?

JR: The same advice I give to my daughter who is now in cosmetology. NEVER give up. You have a long hard road ahead. You will face challenges, and this industry requires a tough skin. Be confident, push yourself, stay on top of the ever changing trends and, most importantly, NEVER change who you are for anyone! Find who you are as a human and a stylist, and build on that!

BLP: What is your current favorite hair trend?

JR: I honestly don’t think I have one specific favorite. I like to do it all! 

BLP: What is a valuable hair tip that you want to share with your fellow stylists (whether it’s a business tip or something related to styling/working with hair)?

JR: Don’t second guess yourself! It takes a special kind of person to do our job! Stay educated, and you will be able to get through any challenge you might face! 

BLP: What inspires your work?

JR: My clients! I truly try to create anything they ask for, as long as it’s possible. For those who give me full freedom to create anything I want, my inspiration comes from anything and everything around us – weather, moods, the sky, nature… this list goes on. Inspiration is everywhere! 

BLP: What is something that keeps you passionate and motivated in the industry each day?

JR: Being able to create art! It is my favorite thing to do. To be able to have walking canvases is such an amazing thing to be able to share with the world! The thing that keeps me most motivated is being able to make people feel good about themselves and feel happy! 

BLP: What changes would you like to see the industry make in order to grow/change/evolve/be better than it was before?

JR: Reality. I may get some heat for this one (LOL). As much as I really love to see all of the amazing art we can create on wigs and beautiful editorial photo shoots, I would like to see more realistic photos. Social media is where everyone goes for everything. There’s so much editing, and people can’t tell what is realistic and what isn’t. New stylists are going to have to use social media to help build their own businesses, and it’s going to be hard for them to compete and be seen and noticed if they are new to color, styling and photography. Your everyday clients love to see themselves on your page, it makes them feel amazing and it also shows everyone what they can have as an everyday look! 

BLP: What is a career goal you have for yourself?

JR: I would be crazy to say that I haven’t accomplished more than I thought I even could in the last 22 years in this industry! I think my next goal at this point is to be here to support, help, inspire, educate and keep creating amazing hair and happy clients! 

To see the full list of winners, read Beauty Launchpad's May/June issue.

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