Mayraki Professional Natural Scrub for Gentle Scalp Exfoliation

Mayraki Professional's Camellia Sinensis Tea Leaf Probiotic Sea Salt Scalp Scrub.
Mayraki Professional's Camellia Sinensis Tea Leaf Probiotic Sea Salt Scalp Scrub.
Courtesy of Mayraki Professional

Mayraki Professional has launched a new scalp care formula, Camellia Sinensis Tea Leaf Probiotic Sea Salt Scalp Scrub

“Scalp care is an incredibly important part of hair care that people tend to neglect. It’s essential to maintain scalp health so that the hair has a good environment to grow in. If the scalp isn’t healthy, hair growth and quality will be affected. It can lead to hair loss, greasy roots, frizzy hair and dullness,” says Eliza Pineda, in-house hair expert at Mayraki Professional.

Benefits of Mayraki Professional Camellia Sinensis Tea Leaf Probiotic Sea Salt Scalp Scrub:

  • reduces product buildup, cleanses the scalp and unclogs hair follicles
  • regular use of a scrub is beneficial for users who often apply dry shampoo, hairspray and other styling products
  • a consistent scalp scrub routine may promote hair growth
  • formulated with ingredients that help prevent inflammation, bacteria, irritation, free radical damage and dandruff
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