We are spotlighting the winners of Beauty Launchpad’s 25 Under 50K contest, sponsored by Platinum Seamless.
Meet Marissa Brazeau (@mermaidhairmarissa). She is a hairstylist and educator at Pinup Jordan’s Mermaid Lounge, Schenectady, NY.
Beauty Launchpad (BLP): What is a fun fact about you?
Marissa Brazeau (MB): I played roller derby for seven years.
BLP: How did you get your start in the industry?
MB: I started working at a chain salon as a receptionist while I was in high school, and becoming a stylist wasn’t even on my radar. It wasn’t until one day while I was at work, watching one of my coworkers do a blowout, that it crossed my mind. I was in the process of starting my bachelor's degree at a 4-year university, and I HATED it. I thought to myself, “Hmm, I could probably do this.” Fourteen years later, I am STILL doing it!
BLP: What is your proudest accomplishment?
MB: Working hard for three years to become an educator for Pulp Riot. Educating and doing the stage show at Premiere Orlando this year felt huge!
BLP: What is your current favorite hair trend?
MB: I'm forever obsessed with Sabrina Carpenter bangs and color blocking.
BLP: What is a tip you have for your fellow stylists who are looking to grow their following on socials?
MB: Be active in supporting your local stylist community. The love always comes back to you!
BLP: What advice would you give to the younger version of yourself just starting out in the industry, looking back on your whole career?
MB: If your employer or coworkers aren’t lifting you up, LEAVE. I promise there is a perfect fit out there where you will feel supported and not dread going to work every day.
BLP: What is a valuable hair tip that you want to share with your fellow stylists (whether it’s a business tip or something related to styling/working with hair)?
MB: You cannot outsmart the color wheel. It doesn’t matter if you’re brand new or a 30+ year veteran, if you don’t play by its rules, you’ll end up fixing mistakes later. Know it, use it, love it.
BLP: What inspires your work?
MB: Color combinations that make my eyes happy! I’m constantly snapping pictures of random things that I see that are just color combos that I want to remember to play with later.
BLP: What is something that keeps you passionate and motivated in the industry each day?
MB: I had a salon team leader once upon a time tell me that I could never make a living doing vivid hair because it was a “passing fad.” Little does she know she’s been keeping me fueled every day behind the chair since then because I’ve been so determined to prove her wrong (I hope she sees this because I DID IT, MELISSA!).
BLP: What changes would you like to see the industry make in order to grow/change/evolve/be better than it was before?
MB: I want to see more women as the faces and platform artists of brands! We represent around 69% of the industry, so why are SO MANY men being made the leaders?
BLP: What is a career goal you have for yourself?
MB: I want to get into more stage/platform work with Pulp Riot and just continue making amazing art behind the chair :)