Meet Erin Ray: Beauty Launchpad 30 Over 30 Winner for 2024

Get to know Erin Ray (@erinrayhair). She is a hairstylist, educator and owner of Obsidian Salon in Bethel, CT.
Get to know Erin Ray (@erinrayhair). She is a hairstylist, educator and owner of Obsidian Salon in Bethel, CT.
Courtesy of Erin Ray

We are spotlighting the winners of Beauty Launchpad’s 30 Over 30 contest, sponsored by Denman Brush.

Get to know Erin Ray (@erinrayhair). She is a hairstylist, educator and owner of Obsidian Salon in Bethel, CT.


Beauty Launchpad (BLP): What is a fun fact about you? 

Erin Ray (ER): My husband and I own a bicycle shop. 

BLP: How did you get your start in the industry?

ER: I got laid off from my corporate job back in 2011, bounced around a bit and then went back to the drawing board. For the first time in my life, I decided to do something that I truly loved, and, at the ripe age of 29, I enrolled in cosmetology school.

BLP: What is your proudest achievement in the industry thus far? 

ER: Opening my chair rental salon in 2021. 

BLP: What advice would you give to the younger version of yourself just starting out in the industry, looking back on your whole career? 

ER: Find a mentor immediately! I wonder what my career would have been like if I found the right mentor truly teaching me to be stronger behind the chair. 

BLP: What is your current favorite hair trend? 

ER: Slick back pony. Never giving it up no matter what Gen Z says. 

BLP: What is a valuable hair tip that you want to share with your fellow stylists (whether it’s a business tip or something related to styling/working with hair)? 

ER: Capture content every day, and figure out what to do with it later. 

BLP: What inspires your work?

ER: My hair friends – I am inspired by the creativity and talent of my closest hair besties. 

BLP: What is something that keeps you passionate and motivated in the industry each day? 

ER: Words of affirmation are my love language. When my clients are over the moon about their hair, it drives me to continue to perfect my craft and keep upgrading my skill set.

BLP: What changes would you like to see the industry make in order to grow/change/evolve/be better than it was before?

ER: Be more supportive of one another. There is plenty of room for us all to shine. Just because someone else is receiving more “attention” does not take away from your own successes. Everyone will have their moment, just not all at the same time. 

BLP: What is a career goal you have for yourself? 

ER: Start educating internationally.

To see the full list of winners, read Beauty Launchpad's May/June issue.

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