How-To: Address Common Myths About Blonde Hair

Blonde Specialist and Social Media Expert Olivia Thompson (@omgartistry) addresses the biggest blonde myth that she’s encountered and how to squash it by helping your blonde clients learn to properly care for their hair.
Blonde Specialist and Social Media Expert Olivia Thompson (@omgartistry) addresses the biggest blonde myth that she’s encountered and how to squash it by helping your blonde clients learn to properly care for their hair.

If you’re not sure what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to blondes, don’t worry! 

Blonde Specialist and Social Media Expert Olivia Thompson (@omgartistry) addresses the biggest blonde myth that she’s encountered and how to squash it by helping your blonde clients learn to properly care for their hair.

Beauty Launchpad (BLP): What is the biggest myth about blondes that you’ve encountered?

Olivia Thompson (OT): The biggest myth that I have encountered about blonde hair is “it cannot be healthy hair.” That is absolutely not true! Here are a few things a blonde can do to keep their hair healthy.

  • Protect your hair from heat: Heat styling tools like flat irons and curling irons can damage your hair and cause it to become brittle and dry. Using tools like Babyliss Pro Dual Ionic Blow Dryer will not only dry hair faster (meaning less heat), but the ions will reduce frizz! Also, use a heat protectant spray to protect your hair when using heat styling tools. I recommend Joico Heat Hero. It has a split end mender, which means, on contact with heat and heat hero, it temporarily mends the split ends together for a gorgeous healthy result.
  • Speaking of split ends, get regular trims: Regular trims will help keep your blonde hair healthy and prevent split ends from forming. Aim to get a trim every 6-8 weeks.
  • Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner: Blonde hair can be more prone to dryness and damage, so it’s important to use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that won’t strip your hair of its natural oils.
  • Use hair masks or treatments: Blonde hair can benefit from a weekly hair mask or treatment to keep it hydrated and healthy-looking.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure: The sun can cause your hair to become dry and brittle. Remember, the sun is like a blowdryer on your hair and scalp! It can also cause your hair color to fade. Wear a hat or use a leave-in conditioner with UV protection when spending time in the sun. Joico Defy Damage Protective Shield Leave-in has UV protection!

Remember, healthy hair is beautiful hair, so taking care of your blonde hair with proper maintenance and care is key to achieving and maintaining a beautiful look.

BLP: How can stylists address/correct that myth?

OT: By teaching their clients the proper way to take care of their hair.

BLP: What tips do you have for stylists when working with blonde hair?

OT: My biggest tip is client history. Find out what’s in the hair! Another tip is to audit their entire routine for hair care—everything from hobbies, to what shampoo and conditioner they use, making sure they don’t go to sleep with their hair wet, what kind of brushes and tools they use, how hot they make their water in the shower and the list goes on!

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