The Professional Beauty Federation of California (PBFC) has been very active in trying to keep beauty businesses in operation, including a concerted #OpenSalonsNow campaign and peaceful demonstrations throughout California.
"Cutting hair is a criminal act in only one state in the union," says PBFC president Ted Nelson. "Governor Newsom is arbitrarily and needlessly destroying the livelihoods of state licensed professionals who have the formal education and training to keep their clientele safe from infections, as the CDC has acknowledged. Shame on him!"
The beauty industry joined with restaurants in suing Governor Newsom to compel the immediate and permanent reopening of quintessential small and proven-safe businesses, because The State has failed to produce any "data and science" justifying the criminalization of the services of these state licensed professionals.
"Our small businesses, less financed and politically connected than multinational corporations, Hollywood and other so-called 'essential businesses,' have become the go-to sacrificial lambs to the COVID gods," states PBFC counsel and advocate Fred Jones. "This has been ruinous for thousands of our establishments and the livelihood of tens of thousands, without any justifiable basis."
The PBFC has done a lot to defend and advocate for the beauty industry, guiding more than 10,000 beauty professionals through the PPP application process to get them desperately needed federal relief dollars through a partnership with an approved SBA financial institution.