Eufora International is rolling out the 2021 Live Your ART sessions, a live stream series with topics taught by top Eufora national trainers.
“Providing stylists with an opportunity to learn is only one goal,” says Brynn Bewley-Stits, series founder, when asked about the virtual training for 2021. “The live Q&A sessions following each class afford a unique perspective into the mindset of the trainers, and provide the opportunity to explore the intricacies of creative techniques along with mind-expanding product and tool usage.”
Upcoming Live Your ART Sessions:
- Coloring Textured Hair with Eufora national trainer Lisa Vann. Monday, February 1st. 4:00pm PST.
- Coloring Fine & Thinning Hair with Eufora national trainer Emily Vogel. Monday, February 15th. 4:00pm PST.
- Cutting Fine & Thinning Hair with Eufora national trainer Katie Bruce. Monday, March 1st. 4:00pm PST.