Salon of the Month: Salt Strands

Hugo Landa Photography
Hugo Landa Photography

Like so many before her, Val Plunk sought to create that which did not exist. Having been primarily focused on extensions and color for 20 years, she had a picture in her mind of the perfect work environment for herself and like-minded artists—but she hadn’t laid eyes on it anywhere but in her own mind’s eye. “I’d describe it as laid-back luxury,” she says of the atmosphere she eventually put into real form at Salt Strands in San Clemente, California, in 2019. “Shocking, I know. I’m telling you, though, ‘laid-back lux’ is a way of life. The reason why this branding works so well is because it’s 100-percent authentic to who I am. It works for an attitude, a service mantra, a hair aesthetic, an interior design direction—the list goes on.”

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