Web Exclusive: 29 Beautiful Prom Hairstyles


This look created by Instagram user @hairbyninaclark

It's officially prom season, and whether she's going with a special someone, or looking forward to a fun night out with her friends, your client will want to look her absolute best for the occasion. From intricate updos, to classic waves, to fun braids, there's a whole host of styles she can choose from, so you'll want to be sure to help your client find the best look for her personal style.

Get inspired, and make it an unforgettable night, with our list of 29 beautiful prom hairstyles, straight from real stylists on Instagram! Click through to start the slideshow. [pagebreak]

A true classic for prom, you can't go wrong with a show-stopping updo!

by @bettina_bourdens

by @brandiiismiiith

by @brandiiismiiith

by @cathym316

by @chriskstylist

by @hairsbychristine

by @heidistyleme

by @hollyiwillcutyou

by @ktina_xx

by @personalisedhairdesign

by @the_blondologist


Fun, pretty, and totally on-trend, braids are perfect for dancing the night away!

by @abeautyroom

by @akjeks

by @ks.hair

by @personalisedhairdesign

by @studiocsalonmn


Braids, waves, twists, and curls -- these looks offer something for everyone!

by @abeautyroom

by @ange_stylist

by @artisanhairstudiogroup

by @brandiiismiiith

by @brandiiismiiith

by @pringle_jess222

by @slugbee

by @styledby_christine


Simple, classic and elegant, this look is for the retro-glam girl!

by @_wendydelg

by @216glamgirl

by @personalisedhairdesign

[All images via Instagram]

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