Redken Celebrity Colorist Tracey Cunningham created a rich, red hair color for Emma Stone at last night's Oscars. Tracey applied Redken Shades EQ Cream to add shine and achieve a brighter version of Emma's red color. Knowing that all eyes would be on the Birdman star, Tracey ensured Emma’s hair had maximum shine by finishing with Shades EQ Gloss, a no-ammonia, no-lift formula that acts as a glaze, color refresher and color corrector.
Get the Look:
- 1 oz. 09GC Golden Sienna Shades EQ Cream
- 1 oz. 07GC Burnished Copper Shades EQ Cream
- 2 oz. 10 vol. Pro-oxide Cream Developer
- 1⁄2 oz. 09GC Golden Sienna Shades EQ Cream
- 1⁄2 oz. 06BC Rich Amber Shades EQ Cream
- 1 oz. 07GC Burnished Copper Shades EQ Cream 2 oz. 10 vol. Pro-oxide Cream Developer
- 1⁄2 oz. 08GG Gold Dip Shades EQ Gloss 1⁄2 oz. 09AA Papaya Shades EQ Gloss 1⁄2 oz. 08C Cayenne Shades EQ Gloss
- 1⁄4 oz. Orange Kicker Shades EQ Gloss 1 3⁄4 oz. Shades EQ Processing Solution