3 Labs Studio in Los Angeles played host to surfers, spinners, swimmers and runners who all modeled the latest collection for Adidas, designed by Stella McCartney, that celebrates women who embrace variety to challenge their bodies and minds.
“We had to create [styles] that would stay put during a high-impact workout,” says Aveda Artist Frank Rizzieri. To achieve this, Rizzieri created two sporty-chic looks: parallel plaits and a pretty-yet-powerful ponytail. The next time your client’s feeling a sporty vibe, try out one of Rizieri’s how-tos below!
Get the Look: Parallel Plaits
- Apply New Damage Remedy Split End Repair to the ends of completely dry hair to instantly draw separated ends back together and help prevent new splits from forming.
- With a wide tooth comb, create a middle part from the forehead to the nape of the neck. Divide hair into right and left sections.
- Gather three small sections of hair from the forehead on the right side and begin to French braid hair slowly so that the braid gets thicker.
- Secure the end of the French braid with a thin elastic and repeat on other side.
- Spray Control Force Firm Hold Hair Spray directly onto a fine tooth comb and finish the look by gently combing fly-aways into place over the entire head.
Get the Look: Prize Pony
- Prep by applying New Damage Remedy Split End Repair to the ends of completely dry hair.
- Section hair and spray a generous amount of Aveda Thickening Tonic. Pay particular attention to the hairline and to the roots to add bulk and grip.
- Comb hair through and blow-dry smooth, directing the air flow downwards with tension.
- Smooth and gather hair backwards into hands and create a low ponytail. Fasten with elastic.
- Take a small section of hair from underneath the ponytail and wrap around to cover the elastic. Secure with a pin.
- Lightly mist the finished look with Control Force Firm Hold Hair Spray.