Hair Styles HOW TO: Makeover: Julia by Diadema

72279a Julia 1 0051

Hair: Diadema Hair Fashion
Makeup: Cristina Marzo per 20100 Milano
Photography: Stefano Bidini

1.  Part the hair on the right side and divide it from ear to ear.

This division will be kept for the entire cut.

2. Rough cut the back with a scissor over comb technique.

3. Rough cut the back with a scissor over comb technique.

4. Part the fringe area from the right part in a diagonal to halfway of the left eyebrow.

5.  Rotate to the left and cut from the cheekbone to the tip of the nose.

6. Take a section perpendicular to the fringe and comb it forward.

Thin the left corner only.

7.  Blend the right side with a rough-cut technique using scissors over comb.

8.  On the top, thin along the part to the crown.

9.  Take three horizontal sections on the left side.

Using the previous section as guide, thin from underneath with a point-cutting technique.

10.  On the right side, layer all of the hair at once, leaving the maximum length and thinning only the tips.

11.  For the back layers, blend with the sides using thinning scissors.

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