Backstage at Mara Hoffman beauty teams bring 1970's glamour to life with vibrant eye shadow, voluminous curly hair and vintage-like nail colors that pay homage to legendary style icons Cher, Bianca Jagger and Jerry Hall.
“Mara wanted the collection and beauty look to feel as if you were sitting at a dinner party in Paris with these legendary ladies,” explains Lead Hairstylist Tyler Laswell. "The look is very voluminous, reminiscent of the ’70s triangular silhouette. [Back then] it was big and very stiff, but we’re modernizing it. The hair is big and curly yet soft and touchable.” One key to bumping up volume: Laswell first rough-dries tresses using his fingers before blow-drying hair with a diffuser while lifting strands at the roots.
Once the hair is dry, Laswell forms a center part and begins to curl the hair in small sections with a 3/8-inch curling iron, wrapping the hair around the iron toward the face. He immediately stretches and opens up each curl with his fingers to achieve that beautiful wave. Of note: The shape of the hair is built from the bottom up—the second key to modernizing the coveted ’70s silhouette.
The makeup mirrors the punchy colors of the ’70s as well as the color palette of the collection. Sephora Lead Artist IIde Goncalves draws color inspiration from the feathers of a peacock, using various shades of blue, green and purple on the lids. Alternating between the three shades, Goncalves chooses his shadow color for each model based on their skin tone and clothing.
And, naturally, jewel-tone lids need the support of lush lashes. "We added fake lashes and a lot of mascara for a dramatic effect," explains Goncalves. "We also used tweezers to clump the lashes together, to give it a bit of a Twiggy feel. The lashes really need to stand out."
For the nails, one shade isn’t enough when you can have four! Zoya Creative Director Rebecca Isa plays with four different polishes, the only link between the four being their creamy opaque qualities. "Mara was looking for a cool, hip vibe—a 70's feel—in warm and berry tones and cream,” says Isa. “She wanted to keep the nail very rich and creamy with no nail art." Like the makeup, nail colors—Zoya Flowie, Ireland, Jacqueline and Toni—are chosen “based on what the girls are wearing and what looks best on them,” Isa continues. "We want the girls to have a bit of an individual feel and look to them.”