Hair Color How To: The Hologram Collection

The Hologram Collection is a showcase of delicate iridescent modifiers that have whimsical reflect when used on a prelightend base or a controlling factor when incorporated with Keratin Complex's Kerahold Color level 7 above. Find out how to create three hair color shades from the Hologram Collection.


Hologram Tech

Starting with a Base level 6-8

  1. Create a large triangular section starting from mid brow at hairline crossing over into opposite side of crown. Using IABT lightener and 20 vol, isolate this section using a back to back slicing technique. Lift to a pale yellow
  2. Apply Kerahold Color Therapy 7.23/vg  medium violet gold blonde and 20 vol 1.1.5 ratio. Process 35 min.
  3. One color is removed and hair is dried. Take your triangular section and diagonally divide in half.
  4. Using a back to back slicing technique apply .21/.va Hologram modifier and zerolift developer 1:1 ratio to back area of triangle.
  5. Using a back to back slicing technique apply .19/.cp Hologram modifier and zerolift developer 1:1 ratio to frontal area of triangle.
  6. Using the hairline place slices using 6.29 alternating foils with 8.6 both mixed at a 1:1 ratio with ZeroLift- Process 20 min.


Lucidity Technique

Starting with a Base 7-9

  1. Taking an off centered diamond shape from occipital, along parietal to brow area.  Prelighten this section using IABT lightener and 20 vol IABT developer.  Pale yellow rinse shampoo dry.
  2. Using a off centered triangle from apex to 1 inch from hairline.  Using a back to back technique slice with .48 and zerolift. *Outling the entire shape with a slice technique (2 foils width) using 6.43 zero lift.
  3. Apply 10.1 a zero lift on the remainder of the diamond shape.
  4. Apply 9.1  20vol on the remainder of the head with a classic tint application and process by keratin complex color therapy instructions.


Projection Technique

  1. Taking a cheveron parting around the head from cheekbone below occipital to cheekbone.  Use IABT lightener and 20 vol prelighten to palest yellow. Shampoo with keratin complex color care shampoo and towel dry.
  2. Taking same section sub divide into 3 sections.  
  3. On the lower divide of cheveron apply .11 and zerolift developer.
  4. Middle section weave .91 zerolift developer.
  5. Remainder of pre-lightened hair apply .19 zero lift.
  6. Last use 1.0 Black and zero lift to apply to remainder of hair.


Images courtesy of Keratin Complex

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