Hair Tips: The Do's and Don'ts of Fall Hair Care

With the fall season fast-approaching, it's never too early to start advising your clients on why, and how, they should switch up their haircare routines for the changing season. Cooling temperatures, windy days, and post-summer dryness all lead to changes in what your clients' hair needs. Below, Jenny Balding, Cutler/Redken Styling Expert, shares her top three do’s and don’t for hair this fall - pass them on to your guests!

3 Hair Don’ts for Fall:
1. Don't keep using the same shampoo. Advise clients to try a different shampoo (and conditioner) so that hair can adapt to the changing season. If a guest is used to a very moisturizing regimen for summer, she may want to use a lighter shampoo for fall and keep the moisturizing conditioner; this way her hair won't feel weighed down as the weather cools down.

2. Don't overdo it with the heat styling. Recommend that your clients go easy on hot tools after the summer and take care when blow-drying. In general, they should try to avoid hot tools as much as possible because their hair will most likely be a little distressed after the summer months.

3. Don’t avoid the colorist. Discuss any color changes with clients before jumping into a new color trend for fall, keeping in mind the condition of his or her hair and any distress from the summer. Your client's color may only need a minor tweak, rather than a complete overhaul.

3 Hair Do’s for Fall:
1. Do get a trim. Advise clients to have their hair trimmed right after the summer, as this will prepare the hair for the fall and remove any damage caused by sun, sea or pool over the summer.

2. Do be gentle in order to prevent damage. As a general rule, guests should be gentle with their hair all year round, but this is especially true during the autumn months when hair is susceptible to the most damage. Recommend that your guests always gently squeeze-dry their hair with a towel when it's wet, and never rub, as this will rough up the cuticle which can then lead to frizz and breakage.

3. Do try a new look for fall. Going for a new look is a fantastic way to start a new season and, fall is the most popular season for big changes, as people tend to want to revamp after the summer. Advise your client to go for it - then help her achieve the perfect style!

[Image: Thinkstock]

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