Salon: Diadema Hair Fashion
Photography: Stephano Bidini
Makeup: Cristina Marzo per 20100Milano
Step 1: Cut hairline 3 fingers below the scalp using a point cutting method.
Step 2: Continue cutting up the sides to the ear.
Step 3: Cut sides diagonally with fingers pointing down to below the cheekbone to the chin.
Step 4: Cut the fringe area by point cutting to the top of the eyebrows.
Cut to create a “V” with the point in the middle of the nose, and the short side to the eyes.
Step 5: Using a zigzag cutting method cut hair around the face from corner of the eyes leaving maximum length.
Step 6: For front area, rest the palm of your hand on the crown and cut to shorten at a slight diagonal.
Step 7: Create layers by moving the section vertically left to the height of the ear and cut.
Step 8: For back layers cut from ear to ear to shorten.
Step 9: On the right side cut vertical.
Step 10: Slide cut sides to create layers.
Step 11: To create back layers shift hair toward the occipital and cut.
Step 12: Personalize the cut by making an inverted “V” from the occipital bone to behind the ear.
Step 13: Slide cut to thin the ends.
Step 14: Point cut top section to create movement.
Use dark golden brown. Complete the lightening technique first, then complete with base color.
On right side take 1 ½ cm section above ear.
Repeat on left side.
In the back and crown section, use lightener on points of hair.
Final Photo:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's SHORT CUTS:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's MID-LENGTH/LONG CUTS: