PBA Shapes Roadmap for Expanded Personal Care Industry Guidelines in California

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The California governor’s office announced new COVID-19 guidelines for the expanded personal care industry. Working closely with the governor's office and its membership base, the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) was able to help build the roadmap for all sectors of the professional beauty industry to get to this point.

“Collaboration, data and personal member stories have helped to ensure the professional beauty industry has been thoroughly represented with the state of California,” shares Steve Sleeper, executive director of the Professional Beauty Association. “We will continue to work with the state to ensure that the industry maintains its representation and empowerment as we head into the winter months.”

In addition to California’s new guidelines for expanded personal care services, the PBA has established Recommended Guidelines for salons and spas to follow: increased sanitization measures, installing plexiglass or acrylic partitions, removing food stations, incorporating electronic-only transactions, requiring face masks, staggered appointments and more.

The PBA has also launched its GBAC STAR accreditation program in association with the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC). GBAC was created to handle pandemics with effectiveness and integrity, to ensure the highest degree of safety for you, your staff and your clients.

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