Braids have been maintaining their popularity for the past several years, and it’s small wonder: Not only have stylists discovered nearly countless ways to weave hair, but also plaits both simple and complex look super cool on Instagram. Not long ago a new braid appeared on the scene: the bushel braid. We spoke with Shayla Robertson (@samirasjewelry), whose bushel braid tutorial sparked the imaginations of stylists the world over.
Tell us about the bushel braid, including its origins.
I learned how to create a bushel braid from @learndoteach on YouTube. The braid is actually called “banana bushel braid”—I wrote [the proper name] on the caption of my post but people started calling it the bushel braid. As soon as I saw the tutorial I fell in love; however, it looked like a little girl’s hairstyle. So I decided to recreate it but add my own style. I did the style on dry hair and pancaked the bushels out for bigger, voluminous, more romantic texture.
How do you construct the bushel braid?
Start with two ponytails—one upper and one below the first ponytail. Spray hair with a dry oil mist for smoothness, and crimp lightly for texture and volume. Take a very small section from the top ponytail and bring it toward the bottom ponytail while taking the same-size section from the bottom ponytail; cross the pieces over each other. Gather another small piece from the top and cross it over another small piece from the bottom, crossing again, and repeat until the ponytail is finished. Secure the bottom with an elastic, and continue with the next ponytail. Pancake out the crossed pieces—they really do look like bananas. It’s so easy that anyone can do it.
Did you expect your video tutorial to go viral?
To be honest, no. As soon as I posted the picture everyone started asking questions about it. Even the lady who did the video on YouTube saw it and was happy to see my version. She just recently created another video using my version and tagged me for inspo. It’s so nice to give credit to each other’s work. After I posted a tutorial of it, it went viral. Every day I see people tagging me in their bushel braid pictures. The style has been shared on Instagram so many times. Different artists started using bushel braids in their updos, half updos and other styles. It’s such an honor seeing so many stylists’ recreations.
Do you have a specific interpretation of the braid that you like?
I like them all. Everyone has added her own creativity and has done such amazing work.
Do you think people will wear the braid during festival season?
I think so. It’s a really fun braid to wear, especially for festivals. I think it will look even more fun if you add color extensions.
How do you stay inspired to create new looks?
I really get inspired by learning new techniques. I’ve set a personal goal to learn something new two to three times a week. I go on YouTube and search macramé, braids and paracord knots, and then I practice. Once I learn a new technique I immediately think of so many other ways to incorporate that new knowledge. There’s no limit when it comes to styling. Also, I always pay attention to movies, cartoon characters, magazines, and celebrities. Contests on Instagram are another big inspiration for me. Not only do they make me think more deeply, but also the other stylists’ gorgeous works make me work even harder and get more creative.
Special shout out to all the amazing artists featured in this month's column!
This story first appeared in the May issue of Beauty Launchpad magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.
[Images: Courtesy of Instagram]