Los Angeles is home (so to speak) to more than 55,000 homeless men, women and children, and the crisis seems to only be getting worse. According to the Los Angeles Times, this number represents a 75 percent growth in homelessness in just six years. Thankfully there are people like Sascha Breuer, who are doing what they can with what they have. We recently met up with him at the Homeless Resource Fair as he partnered with Operation Healthy Hearts, Mission City Community Network and the Los Angeles Sherriff’s Department. The organizations provide hot showers, meals, healthcare screenings, clothing, books and, naturally, free haircuts for the homeless in Pasadena.
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Breuer likes to get to know the people whose hair he’s cutting, and one such man was Ward. “His life changed when he was hit by a truck that sent him into a 30-day coma followed by months of medical rehab,” says Breuer, who explains that many of the people he meets are homeless because of medical costs—sometimes not even their own, but a family member’s. Breuer gave Ward a flattop fade, his preferred style before his accident. If you’d like to help Breuer, either in person or donating supplies, make sure you follow him Instagram, @thekindcut.
[Images: courtesy of Sarah Reingewirtz and Amy Dodds]