Hair tends to take an extra beating in the summertime due to increased heat, sun and chlorine exposure. From brassiness and breakage to dryness and color fade, there are a plethora of negative effects caused by spending time outdoors—but don’t expect your client to skip the beach or pool just to spare her strands. Instead, help her start summer off the smart way by treating her tresses with these savvy tips designed to protect from damage. Now that’s a win-win!
- Brass Be Gone: No matter how cool-toned your client’s blonde may be, brass is inevitable. Whenever you lighten or highlight, the dye removes some of her natural color, which makes underlying gold or red tones more visible. Regular exposure to chlorine can make blonde hair look green, since lightening creates an effect where blonde hair reacts to certain chemicals and minerals. Products with violet pigment tones work to refresh color and neutralize unwanted yellow. Help her stay in the cool zone with brass-fighting goods that brighten blondes and retain vibrancy.
- Moisture Matters: Hair loses moisture each time she goes for a dip in the pool or ocean. The good news? It’s easy to moisturize locks and keep them in top shape without sacrificing one’s love of the outdoors. Recommend products that are extra nourishing, from leave-in conditioners to rich masks.
- Care For Color: Colored hair is especially prone to fading during the summertime when tresses are more exposed to the sun and heat, as well as chemical factors like chlorine. It doesn’t help that a little bit of color comes out with every wash, so be sure to recommend products that help keep her hue brighter for a longer period of time.
- Battle Breakage: Summer activities and weather dry out tresses, making them straw-like and prone to split ends. Excessive sun and chlorine are especially hard on hair that is color-treated or relaxed, as the chemical processes leave strands more porous and prone to damage. Get hair back into shape with these goods that will protect and preserve its healthiest form.
[Image: Getty Images]