Haircolor How To: Nature's Energetic Colors by Necole Capicchioni


NaturescolorsGoldwell Regional Artistic Team member Necole Capicchioni recently created this bold, yet soft, look, inspired by the waves of the ocean during a summer sunset. Below, Necole shares her formulas and how-to so you can recreate the gorgeous look!

Naturescolors1Before (left) and after (right)

Get the Look:
1. Formula (A): 30 ml Topchic 3% (10 vol) + 25ml 9G + 5 ml GG-Mix
Formula (B): back-to-back micro-mini weaving – 30 ml Topchic 9% (30 vol) + 30 ml 7KR.
2. Divided into two sections, A and B. Slice diagonal, back-to-back sections.
Formula (A) 30 ml Topchic 3% (10 vol) + 25ml 9G + 5 ml GG-Mix
Formula (B) weave, rotating Topchic 9% (30 vol) + 25ml 9G + 5 ml GG-Mix  & 30mls Topchic 9% (30 vol) + 30 ml 7KG.
3. Foundation formula - 50 ml Colorance lotion + 25 ml 7KR

4. Once the application is completed, process 30 minutes.

[Images courtesy of Kao USA Inc]

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