Artist: Ale Bonilla | Salon: Esoterica Studios, Inc. | Photography: Tom Carson
Step 1: Pre-lighten hair with 20-volume developer.
Step 2: Part a square section at the top of the head.
Split it diagonally on the natural fall.
Step 3: Color sections A, B and C.
A) Starting at the base, use ½-inch sections with the lightest ash blonde and 20-volume developer.
B) For the mid-shaft, use golden light blonde and 20-volume developer.
C) On the ends, use pastel pink and 20-volume developer. Work up to the part in ½-inch segments.
Step 4: Utilize the corner of the brush to feather the colors together where they meet.
Step 5: Repeat on the opposite side.
Step 6: Finish the foil pattern.
Process for 15 minutes.
Step 7: Dry the hair and then straighten with a flat iron.
Use a shine enhancing product for added sheen and heat protection.
Final Photo:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's SHORT CUTS:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's MID-LENGTH/LONG CUTS: