Hair Styles HOW TO: Makeover: Rachel by Diadema

61443 N Rebecca 3 023

Hair: Diadema

Makeup: 20100 Milano

Photographer: Stefano Bidini


Step 1:  Perimeter cut: Make a twist and cut with thinning shears 2 fingers below the shoulder curve.

Step 2:  Cut the sides upwards toward the chin always using the twist technique and thinning shears (go up to the jaw line).

Step 3:  Fringe: Make a triangle on the right from the right temple to ¾ of the left eyebrow.

Step 4:  Pull fringe to the right and cut in a diagonal using thinning shears.

Step 5:  Front crown: Cut along the right part using a perpendicular lengthening cut, snip at ¾ length of section.

Step 6: Layer: Perpendicular in a diagonal to lengthen, bringing the sections slightly forward and cutting at ¾ the length always towards the face.

Back layer in perpendicular.

Step 7:  Create a triangle on the right side that will be cut perpendicular all together using a drop cut technique.

Step 8:  Graduations: Make a “V” on the back crown to the occipital bone.

Step 9:  Divide the “V” section in half, join the base with the layer to obtain the graduation.
Bring the segment toward you and cut upwards, always at ¾ segment length.

Step 10:  Personalization: Make three triangular sections in the bangs and cut with thinning shears starting from the right triangle, lifting and snipping until lengthening in the third section.

Step 11:  Drop cut – layer – graduation all in one unique solution.
Take diagonal sections starting from the right with slants to lengthen and drop cut at ¾ from the ends.

Final Photos:


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