Hair Styles HOW TO: Makeover: Kritika by Diadema

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Hair: Diadema

Makeup: 20100 Milano

Photographer: Stefano Bidini


Step 1:  Cut hairline in sections (the first in the back and three on each side) point cutting and going up the sides a little.

Step 2:  Cut both sides by holding hair out in one cut.

Step 3:  Fringe: Create a triangle with diagonal parts from eyebrow to eyebrow.

Pull hair to the tip of the nose and cut upward.

Step 4:  Cut the two side triangles at nose tip and 2 cm behind the fringe with the scissors pointing outward.

Step 5:  Top: Make a triangle from the highest point of the head with the V towards the face and cut.

Step 6:  Layer: Start by taking triangles and making single outward cuts, keeping the first section as a reference length.
The triangle goes from under the crown to the lower tip of the occipital.

Step 7:  On the side of the top, overdirect and cut sections at a 90º angle away from the top to achieve length.

Step 8:  Graduations: Isolate the upper area of the layer keeping one centimeter in the front as a reference point.

Step 9:  Cut the back central section, connecting the layers to the hairline with a half twist.

Cut by rotating the scissors.

Step 10:  Continue on the sides alternating the twist first towards the face then towards the nape.

Step 11:  Finishing touches: Drop the crown area in full sections and point cut downward.

Final Photos:


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