Hair: Diadema
Makeup: 20100 Milano
Photographer: Stefano Bidini
Step 1: Hairline: Make a V at the nape area and cut halfway up to the ear.
Step 2: Lighten hair texture up to the occipital bone by cutting with scissor tips on the comb.
Step 3: Point cut front sides, from mid ear to the mouth.
Step 4: Fringe: Divide hair from ear to ear and create a triangle from top area down to eyebrow.
Point cut from the nose tip to the eyebrow.
Step 5: Face contour: Blend freehand from eyebrow to the end of the section with deep V cuts on both sides.
Step 6: Front top: Make a 2 cm. rectangle on top.
Point cut the ends, keeping the front as a guide.
Step 7: Layers: Create a rectangle on the top.
Step 8: Make three sections in the front area diagonal to the right.
In the first, point cut to shorten.
Step 9: In the second, project forward for a lengthening cut and point cut.
Step 10: In the third, point cut perpendicularly, with a slight projection on the sides.
Step 11: Layer and graduations: In two sections on both sides, shorten by cutting in an upward motion and slightly diagonal.
Step 12: Back layer: Create a triangle section from two fingers below the apex and point cut to create a V.
Step 13: Point cut ends holding hair 90° from the head.
Step 14: Personalize: Lighten with thinning shears in the upper diagonal areas.
Step 15: Make twists around the perimeter and lighten with thinning shears.
Final Photos
Click for More Hair Styles How To's SHORT CUTS:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's MID-LENGTH/LONG CUTS: