Hair: Diadema
Art director: Fabio Messina
Makeup: 20100 Milano
Extension: Zeropiù
Photographer: Stefano Bidini
Step 1: Comb hair straight down and cut at the hairline about 1 inch about the curve of the shoulder.
Cut the sides the same to match.
Step 2: Fringe/top: Create a triangle parting in the top section.
Comb into a natural fall and point cut to desired length (just above the chin).
Step 3: Side Blending: On the left side only, blend by projecting the hair slightly forward and slide cut with shears.
Step 4: Layer: Isolate the triangle parting you took of the fringe/top area.
Make a separate section on top and crown area.
This will be the area to layer.
Step 5: Project the hair towards the apex, lifting it vertically and twist hair 180°, then cut and blend keeping the left parting of the triangle as a guide.
Step 6: Slide cut the back and side sections to complete graduations.
Starting from the left and repeating on the right.
Step 7: Point cut to desired length by bending ends of the hair back toward the opposite parting.
Step 8: Isolate the crown area. Make three 4 cm. wide horizontal sections in the back.
Step 9: In the top area layer by making horizontal sections about 4 cm. wide and lifting them vertically and point cut with shears.
Step 10: Personalizing: Make a triangle on top and divide it into three sections.
Step 11: Pull section out and use razor to cut layers in aprox. ¾ inch off each section.
Apply black colour hair extensions at occipital area to add dimension.
Final Photos
Click for More Hair Styles How To's SHORT CUTS:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's MID-LENGTH/LONG CUTS: