Hair: Diadema Hair Fashion
Photography: Stephano Bidini
Makeup: 20100 Milano
Step 1. Make a part on the left, then part across the top of the head slightly oblique from ear to ear.
Gather the back section.
Step 2: Comb and smooth the sides well and make them stay by going down to the nape and pinning the right section to the left and vice versa.
Step 3: Comb and smooth the top section and pin across the occipital area by criss crossing your pins.
Step 4: Create soft flat curls that give volume.
Tuck the ends of your pin curls inside each curl and pin into place.
Step 5: Leave some strands free to personalize your style.
Final Photos:
Step 1: Make a diagonal parting down to midway of the eyebrow.
Section from the apex of the head to the tips of both ears.
Zigzag part the separation 4 fingers width above the right ear to the left nape.
Step 2: Make two asymmetrical ponytails to the center of the sections.
The left ponytail is high and the right is low.
Step 3: Divide the left ponytail into 3 sections, divide it again into 2 more sections, then hold the left section tightly while the right one is turned slightly.
Step 4: Pass the right one over and around the held section, pushing it towards the scalp.
Pin it in place with a twist effect.
Step 5: Make a 1.5 cm. rectangle section from the part on the left side.
Step 6: Make a braid, gathering the hair from the left side only, and hold the braid slightly elevated to create a raised effect.
Step 7: Pin the braid at the ear.
Make a twist in the remaining part of the section, and pin this at the same point as you pin the braid.
Step 8: Repeat the process on the left side.
Final Photos: