
[VIDEO] How to Price Your Color Services For Profit

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Do you charge what you are worth? If not, and even if you think you do, you need to listen to this exclusive interview with Tim Howard, Chief Innovation Officer for Vish and former salon owner. His decades in the salon industry showed him that by not tracking color usage and not pricing services appropriately, salons were not only wasting color product but were losing out on thousands of dollars of uncaptured revenue.

If your curiosity is piqued, listen in as we talk to Howard about why pricing color services for profit is so important right now and how you can do it. Howard guides us through how you can track color product usage to adjust your color prices, when you should raise your prices and even how you can tell your clientele about price increases. 

Discover how you can use Vish's scale (Watch Video for Exclusive Offer!) and color management software to know exactly how much product is used and set thresholds to determine when you need to raise your prices without any guesswork. You can literally increase your profits 20% quite simply by controlling the color, tracking what you are charging and increasing when necessary. Watch this video to learn more, and schedule your free demo of Vish today to receive their amazing scale FREE upon signup (limit 3 scales per salon)!


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