Laurel Keel, a hairstylist and colorist at NV Me Hair Studio in Palm Bay, FL, recently created this gorgeous, muted rainbow hair color for her client. The final look - a combination of cool-toned hues including deep blues, bright teals, and interwoven lavenders and violets - is a perfect example of the new "oil slick" trend that has been popping up all over stylists' and salons' social media pages.
"Oil slick" hair color draws its inspiration from the muted colors and high sheen of a oil atop water, all while protecting darker-haired ladies with a process that requires less lightening, and therefore less damage to the hair. The trend allows brunette clients to embrace rainbow hair without ruining the integrity of their hair.
Get the Look:
- Says Laurel, "My client had 4 inches of natural level 6 regrowth with grown out heavy highlights of different level blondes. The colors I used were Goldwell Elumen BL @ALL, VV @ALL, and TQ @ALL.
- "I applied BL @ALL on all of the regrowth area first.
- "Then, starting in the nape area I alternated in a random pattern through to the ends the BL @ALL, VV @ALL and TQ @ALL using meche strips to separate each color. By alternating in random sections, I feel you achieve a more organic look.
- "The BL @ALL (blue) gave a deep dark smoky look over her natural level 6. The VV @ALL (purple) gave a deep slickness. The TQ @ALL (teal) gave it that pop."
For more from Laurel, follow her on Instagram @nvmehairstudio.