Oregon law requires that all address and employment changes for our licensees, certification holders, and registration holders must be submitted in writing including email within 30 days. Here are three easy options for submitting changes in address or employment:
● Send us an email, including your name and license number and your new address or work location, to [email protected].
● Fill out and mail the Information Update Form to the address on this page.
● Send us a letter, including your name and license number and your new address or work location.
Changes to your legal name must also be submitted within 30 days. Your full legal name is your first name, middle name(s), and last or surname, without use of initials or nicknames. To change your name, you must provide a copy of approved legal documentation, filed in a court with the appropriate jurisdiction, and a copy of one form of approved photographic identification.
● Legal name change instructions and information
● Legal name change form
During these unprecedented times the Health Licensing Office is finding new ways to notify and inform authorization holders of current information such as pandemic guidance, administrative rule changes and fees.
Click here to add your email to our mailing list and manage your subscriptions.
For further information or to be removed from a subscription click here.
During these unprecedented times the Health Licensing Office is finding new ways to allow the authorization holders and the public to participate in Board Meetings through telephone conference call.
2021 Meeting Dates
● January 25 at 9 am
● August 16 at 9 am
Upcoming Meeting Topics
● 2021 Legislation
● Limited Enforcement Waiver for Estheticians
Conference Call Instructions
Approximately five minutes prior to the start of the meeting please follow the directions listed below:
● Dial 1(877)336-1828 and enter the following participants pass code: 4111788 to be connected to the meeting. This phone line will stay connected for the duration of the meeting.
● The teleconference system will notify you that you are connected. For the record, Office staff will do a roll call of all audience members prior to and after the Executive Session.
● All audience members are asked to keep their phones muted. Public comment will ONLY be accepted under Public/Interested Parties Feedback Period.
Audience members are asked to send email to April Fleming at [email protected] stating they are logged on to the conference call and whether they want to make a comment during the public and interested parties feedback period.
Masks, face shields with masks and face coverings are currently required statewide for indoor public spaces (for example, grocery stores, pharmacies, public transit, personal services providers, restaurants, bars, retail stores, and more). In addition, face coverings are required in outdoor public spaces when physical distancing is not possible.
Children age 5 and up are required to wear a face covering. People with a disability or medical condition may request accommodation from the business if they cannot wear one.
● Face Covering Guidance for All Counties
● Face Covering Facts
● Face Covering Required Signs for Businesses
● Face covering FAQ
The latest updates on the pandemic and each counties status can be found on Governor’s Website.
Face Covering Social Media Toolkit As you’ve likely heard, COVID-19 is spreading at an alarming rate in both rural and urban Oregon. Doctors and public health experts have made it clear that we can reduce the spread of the disease by wearing face coverings while out and about in public.
To be able to protect the health and safety of Oregonians, we need to raise awareness about the importance of wearing face coverings – and we need to do it now.
Governor Kate Brown’s office has created a toolkit of nearly 70 social media graphics. There are a wide range of images, themes, and tones, so feel free to use what makes sense for you, your community, and your audience.
Please share these widely with your personal and professional networks this week.
Thanks for doing your part in fighting the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon.
Closed to Public Walk-Ins: Certain Services can be Scheduled by Appointment – Act Fast Times are Filling up Quickly
Update as of September 15, 2020: The Health Licensing Office (HLO) will be closed to the public indefinitely.
To help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon and protect employees and the public HLO will be changing the way it provides services at our location in Salem. Effective Wednesday, March 25, 2020, the HLO walk-in lobby will be closed indefinitely to the public due to the Governor’s Executive Order.
The HLO will remain open to staff so they can assist you by way of email: [email protected], and phone: (503) 378-8667, during our normal business hours. Appointments can be made for services such as examinations and examination study reviews.
Currently HLO is currently scheduling into August for these services.
HLO business hours:
Monday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday through Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Once a determination for reopening to the public has been made, we will post the date to our website. Please check back often for status updates.
COVID-19 Reopening Requirements Phase 1: Personal Services Guidance
This guidance is required for those licensed under the Health Licensing Office. The Oregon Health Authority has finalized specific guidance for personal services during the phase one reopening for Oregon counties providing personal services. Please continue to closely and carefully monitor the situation by visiting the Oregon Health Authority, COVID-19 updates page for the latest updates and guidance as the information is changing rapidly: https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19 A video presentation from the Governor’s Office further explains the phased reopening process.
Phase 2: Personal Services Guidance After 21 days in Phase 1, counties that meet specific prerequisites may be able to enter Phase 2. Subject to public health guidelines, physical distancing, gathering size limits, and sanitization guidelines, this
includes: recreational sports; pools; venues like movie theaters, bowling alleys, and arcades; some additional in-office work; bars and restaurants able to stay open until midnight; social, civic, and faith-based gatherings can meet in larger, physically-distanced groups. A video presentation from the Governor’s Office further explains the phased reopening process. The latest updates on the pandemic and each counties status can be found on Governor’s Website.