Beauty Launchpad and NAILPRO are joining forces to bring the best salon techniques, business advice, trends, product information and networking to beauty professionals at the virtual Beauty Go Pro Show, Oct. 24–27, 2021.
One key speaker at the show, Dawn Bradley, shares her seven tips for attracting clients:
1. Always Carry Your Business Card
Some people say business cards are a thing of the past, but they aren't. People won't always remember your name or what you told them, but if they have a card with your name on it, they have a higher likelihood of remembering you, even if it's a month later.
2. Talk to Strangers
Put yourself out there! How will you gain clients if you don't have anything to say?
3. Toot Your Own Horn
Look for ways to promote yourself in your daily interactions (i.e. buying lunch, going to Starbucks, hitting the gym). Be friendly and invite prospective clients to try out your services, but don't bad-mouth or put down someone's previous work to try to get them in your chair.
4. Get Your Clients Talking
Once you have a base to work with, you can get your clients to start doing the work for you. Having someone else toot your horn for you can be one of the best things once you've built your clientele. Clients are walking advertisements and can give a firsthand account of your services and skills.
5. Provide a Consistent Experience
Provide consistent experiences and let your clients know how much you appreciate them! Remember, never to get too comfortable with your clients—treat them as if it's their first time in your chair each and every time.
6. Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
The steps to attracting clients are not easy to complete, but know that with practice things get better! Don't let the excuses you're telling yourself be a way to keep you stuck. Keep doing these steps, even when it feels like nothing has changed.
7. Believe You Can Do It
Adhere to the basic law of attraction: Believe that these steps will help you, and trust me, they eventually will.
Don't miss Dawn Bradley and the rest of our event speakers; register now!