Our 8th annual 30 Under 30 spotlight highlights the next generation of colorists — all under age 30 — who are poised to take their careers to the next level. Hailing from coast to coast and different countries, these color experts comprise an eclectic 2020 crew. We learned about their lives and hue loves, who motivates and what inspires them, how they got started and where they hope to go. Cassandra Marie Bartosch (@hairbycassandramarie) is a 29-year-old colorist based in Rochester, New York.
What inspired you to become a colorist?
Growing up, art and music were my outlet. I was a contemporary dancer until I was 20 and once I realized that it wasn’t the smartest career choice for me I had to switch gears. My hairstylist growing up would tell me time and time again that I should get into doing hair. I would go to my hair appointments with specific sectioning of what color I wanted where and always had everything mapped out for her. So I finally took her advice. I enrolled in beauty school that next semester and I’ve been absolutely addicted to the beauty industry ever since.
What are your goals?
Just yesterday a friend asked me what my specific goals are, but said that I didn’t need to tell him, I just needed to think about it. But I did tell him, because if no one else knows what they are, then there is no one to there to keep me accountable to achieve them. To never lose sight even on the hard days. So why not tell the world too.
My main goal is to become an educator. Either for a color brand or as an independent educator. I want to travel the country helping others and teaching them some of the tips and tricks that have stayed with me over the years. I also have set high goals of becoming better and better at my craft so that my chair is always full. Constantly pushing myself to learn new things and growing my personal business to create a stable life for my family.
Any accomplishments so far that you’re most proud of?
Being featured here in Beauty Launchpad is my first major accomplishment on paper. Beyond this honor, I would say my greatest accomplishment is learning that I am brave enough to go for what I want and to always hold myself to the highest of standards in every aspect of my career. It’s taken me a while to believe in my talents and now I just want more.
What do you love most about being a colorist?
Being a colorist is being that perfect balance between following the rules and being a little rebellious. It satisfies both the structural and mathematical side of the brain with my artsy, creative side. It’s constantly a new equation to solve and a new blank (usually not so blank) canvas to create magic on.
Who do you consider your mentor?
I have many people in this industry that I look up to as idols. My mentor is a friend here in Rochester. His name is Steve Messenger and we have been friends for about a year now. He’s not only so confident in his abilities with hair, but he is so outgoing and has so much fun every day. Sometimes I take everything so serious and am hard on myself. Being friends with him has shown me that I can still be great at what I do but I can also have fun with it. He’s taught me how to be brave, go after what I want, and never settle. He sees something in me that keeps him on my toes to keep pushing for more and more.
Favorite hair color tip?
My biggest tip isn’t a technical tip, it’s more of a challenge to myself. I was always taught how important consultations are and even if you’ve been doing this client for years, you should still have a thorough consultation every time. I’ve taken this and expanded on it personally and I believe that it is one of the things my clients appreciate most about coming to see me. Every time a client sits in my chair, even if they loved their hair last time, I will do my best to “one-up” my own work. Each time they see me I want them to love it more than the last time. It’s OK to beat your previous work, it’s OK to evolve and get better. Find one thing each time that you’re going to do even better this time. It keeps your clients not only happy, but they will never get bored because you’re not doing the same exact thing every time.
What's your favorite current hair color trend?
My favorite trend that has become a big part of my work is low-maintenance, beautiful hair color. Using your natural hair (grays or not) to blend into pops of beautiful color has been my go-to as of late. My motto of doing hair has always been “the longer your hair looks amazing, the better I did my job.” Not only will this beautiful hair continue to get compliments up until the day you come back into my chair, which is great for my business, but you will have that confidence the entire time as well.
Who or what inspires your color work?
Being a mom of two myself has inspired me in many ways. I understand that we don’t always have time to get our hair done every month or even every other month. I’ve focused on these techniques of softer grow out and blended hair because it gives people that balance between beautiful stunning hair color and practicality in everyday life. Being a mom or just someone who is very busy, you can still be fashionable and beautiful without having to sacrifice so much extra time.
What makes you most proud to be in this industry?
The beauty industry is, in my opinion, the most exciting and accepting industry to be in. You can be yourself and you never ever get bored because this entire industry is constantly evolving. There is always something new to learn. Or something old to relearn in a new way. There is always someone out there who is better than you, which pushes you to continue to grow. There are just so many amazing and talented people and I’m very proud to be among them.