We posed this quesiton from Sophia Avera and it garnered more than 550 comments on Instagram and Facebook! We rounded up a small selection of the wonderful stories you shared here.
@ssophiacolor: Yes, my parents supported me in this endeavor, as they always did, by saying “go for it.” I was on my own working in the corporate world as a billing coordinator in the healthcare industry for nine months. I thought that cube was going to be the death of me. The thought of going to a university in order to get a degree that would lead me right back to the cubicle world wasn’t appealing. Technical school is a great place to learn a trade, which can provide you with the financial well-being equal to or even exceeding the earning potential of a four-year degree. I had a knack for hairdressing right from the start.
@angelinalabella.hair: Yes! Two weeks before I was supposed to go to college I told them I wanted to go to beauty school. They said they knew that’s what was in my heart but wanted me to realize it for myself!
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@hairbyjmart: No they didn’t, and I was in the closet and I didn’t want, “Hey, I quit college to do hair” to be what outed me officially to them. I hope one day they will be proud.
@dyebox_ldn: I always had a creative side while at school, but unfortunately wasn’t very academic and was diagnosed with dyslexia at a young age. After leaving school at 16 years old, I went straight into plumbing and property maintenance since my dad wanted me to have a trade, being an electrician himself. After a year, I came out as being a young gay man and left the trade to find myself. Just before my 18th birthday, my dad passed away. After coming to terms with his loss and losing myself for a while, I decided to take his advice of learning a trade seriously and applied for an apprenticeship at Toni&Guy. I instantly loved the hairdressing trade and haven’t looked back since. That was 16 years ago and it allowed me to be the person I was destined to be! I would like to think my dad would love the trade I’m now in as it made me the confident and creative man I am today! I know my mum does, and she always has the best hair!
@bleach.it.again: Nope. But now that they see my success for my part-time job and that it’s bringing in more money than their full-time medical field jobs, they support it. Never give up, and never stop pushing.
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@colorbymarina: My parents were both born in Italy, immigrated to the U.S., and never went to college because they had to work. They wanted me to go to college since they never did. I went for them even though I always knew I wanted to do hair, and after a year I left and went to beauty school.
@thewisconsinhairdresser: My mother did but my father was very against it. Fast-forward 10 years later— my dad is super happy that I went to beauty school. I have two sisters who have PhDs and my dad loves my career now! He sees how I influence people’s lives and the actual talent that goes into this career and how I can support my family of six and love what I do! The shift in attitudes toward hairdressing has been so amazing to watch unfold. I’m so proud to share that I’m a hairdresser. Even on our bad days we are blessed!
@hotsaucehair: Not even a little. “I’ll never be proud of that” came out of one of my parent’s mouths when I signed up for cosmetology school. Weirdly though, in my opinion I’m the most driven and happy out of their kids. Not to mention it’s financially great for me. Some people have the idea of college so stuck in their heads that they think even if you’re unhappy it’s still better to have a degree.
[Image: Pexel]
This story first appeared in the February issue of Beauty Launchpad. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.