Hair: Diadema
Makeup: Cristina Marzo per Diadema
Photographer: Stefano Bidini
Step 1: Hairline: Cut the hair using a point cutting method at the shoulder blade.
Step 2: Cut upward toward the shoulders.
Step 3: Part the fringe on the right side pulling hair over the right eye.
Step 4: Elevate the fringe parting and trim from above the right eye.
Step 5: Blend the fringe to the right side going down the side of the face.
Step 6: Top front: Cut the top section using a lengthening cutting technique.
Step 7: Point cut from the crown area to the top area.
Step 8: Using a sliding technique, texturize hair on both sides.
Step 9: Create a semicircle on the top about two fingers wide below the crown.
Step 10: Pull the section straight up and twist, then texturize with the point of the shears.
Step 11: Layer gradually in the back by thinning or texturizing perpendicularly, starting from the left and going to the right.
Step 12: Personalize by taking rectangular sections, then point cutting toward the head.
Final Photos:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's SHORT CUTS:
Click for More Hair Styles How To's MID-LENGTH/LONG CUTS: