Underlights by Guy Tang
Courtesy of Guy Tang
Guy Tang, the owner of Mydentity and musical artist, has provided step-by-step instructions on how to achieve his coveted underlights.
Check out the complete process:
Underlights How-To:
Step 1: Lightening- Divide hair into sections and apply product diagonally up higher on one side to make a triangle shape.
Step 2: Base Formula 1 (Rootage)- Add all products together and whisk.
Step 3: Base Formula 2 (Midshaft)
Step 4: Ends- Then, add 20V Developer and #Big9 Crème Lightener to the rootage.
Step 5: Superpowers Color- Start with Purple Raven on the rootage. Blend Magenta Magic and Pink Possession as you go down towards the ends.