2017 is over, so it's officially time for Ultraviolet to step up and knock Greenery off the Pantone Color of the Year Mantle.
Kate Reid, COLOR.ME Design Director and North American Education Director is here to help. She created this Ultraviolet formula, working with a pink violet to cool off the skin and really make blue eyes open up and pop. The natural global color really helps to make this look understated while remaining fresh.
COLOR.ME shades:
Apply global colour 6.2 + 20% SOFT.VIOLET + CREAM.ACTIVATOR 10 VOL. (3%)
Pre-lighten hidden panel highlights with CREAM.LIGHTENER and CREAM.ACTIVATOR 10 VOL. (3%) then refine with 5.85 + 10.2 with CREAM.ACTIVATOR 10 VOL. (3%).
Styled with HAIR.RESORT and KILLER.CURLS to enhance the texture and accentuate the feeling.
This look was created using COLOR.ME FRINGE.BENEFITS for a fast fashion switch-up to our sharp A-line bob. The violet shade 5.8 adds a unique edge while the round textured fringe is a great addition. The curved look opens up the face and creates a frame to bring your eyes to the soft porcelain skin.
[Images courtesy of KEVIN.MURPHY]