The owner of Olive and Ivy in Cincinnati, Ohio, Meg Gilbert shares where she finds inspiration for her on-point wardrobe.
Beauty Launchpad (BLP): What three words would you use to describe your personal style?
Meg Gilbert (MG): Three words I’d use to describe my style are: edgy, because of my vivid hair and tattoos; boho, because of my obsession with all things flowy and floral; and then a splash of Ms. Frizzle, because I love a themed outfit or fruit earrings.
BLP: How has your style changed over the years?
MG: My style has changed so much throughout the years. I was raised pretty religious, so modesty was very important to my mom, and I was also always a chubby kid–this didn’t leave too much room to create a style growing up. I’m only 25 years old, and my 20s thus far have been a lot about finding my style and going through a body-positive journey. It hasn’t been easy to find clothes I identify with as a plus-size woman, but I enjoy a challenge.
BLP: Is there an article of clothing, piece of jewelry or tattoo that holds a lot of meaning to you? Why?
MG: My favorite articles of clothing to wear are my sassy body-positive T-shirts because they make people either feel accepted or feel uncomfortable—we can’t grow and learn from a comfortable place. Some of these shirts say, “IDGAF about your diet Susan,” “Fat is not a bad word” and “Anti-diet culture.” My tattoo with the most meaning is my sternum/belly tattoo, which is a bundle of olive branches and flowers with a little bumblebee. I had a dog named Olive who changed my life and she passed away tragically; this was for her. It was my most painful tattoo, but it also makes me feel so beautiful. It’s now the logo for my salon, Olive and Ivy!
BLP: What is the best piece of fashion/beauty advice you have ever received?
MG: Not everything you wear must be flattering. We are so obsessed with making ourselves look smaller and I’m tired of trying to shrink myself.
BLP: Who are your style icons?
MG: The stylists in my salon. We all have such different styles and it’s fun to take ideas and be inspired by each other. I also love getting inspiration from other fat babes on TikTok and Instagram.