When Borboleta founder Kim Jaynes launched her company six years ago, her desire was to develop luxurious products that were brought to life with unparalleled education—and that’s been the company mission ever since. Borboleta began with two separate courses for Classic and Volume lash application, as was the norm in the industry. But in February, the extension company launched a brand new Accelerated Artistry Course, which provides the tools and fundamentals to be a successful lash artist in both Classic and Volume lashing in one program. “We know that it takes great sacrifices to attend courses, and we wanted artists to get the best experience and learning possible,” says Brittani Hamilton Strong, corporate educator for Borboleta and owner of SoCal Beauty in Aliso Viejo, California. Students complete an online theory portion first, covering multiple topics, including classic theory. After that, students experience one- on-one hands-on training in a classroom setting. All students who complete the course receive a dual certification in both Classic and Volume lashing. Here, Hamilton Strong tells us more about the brand’s new education model.
The online module paired with hands-on education is a very different approach. How does it work?
This tool allows our students to learn theory at their own pace before arriving in class. The topics range from the Borboleta story and sanitation to allergies and Classic lash theory. After you’ve completed section, you’re required to pass a quiz before moving on to the next one. There are also multiple hands-on portions within the online modules that must be completed. For example, students must practice isolation, picking up extensions and Classic placement, and at the end, they must complete a full set of Classic lashes on their doll head that will be checked at the beginning of the in- person portion of the course.
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What’s the theory behind teaching Volume fan-making first during the in-person portion of the course?
We see it like this: Let’s say you learn to ride a bike without training wheels. Can it be done? Yes, of course. Will it be easy? Not necessarily. After you’ve learned to ride that bike without training wheels, can you ride a bike with training wheels? Of course! It’s a no brainer! The same can be said for lashes: If you can place a Volume fan, you can place a Classic lash. So, when students arrive on the first day of the course, we review the full sets students did on their doll heads, confirm that they’re confident placing a Classic lash (remember, students are taught classic theory in the online modules) and then move straight into Volume fan-making. We’ve found that since the students’ main focus is making and placing Volume fans, Classic becomes a no brainer. We do multiple “skill checks” throughout the day where we have students place a few Classic lashes, and they’re always surprised at how much easier it is than placing a Volume fan.
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What is the typical instructor-to- student ratio?
Our courses typically max out at 12 students, and we have two educators at each course, giving our students a ton of one-on-one time. We want every student to leave feeling as though their concerns were addressed and that they received enough one-on-one time with their educators to excel in their artistry.
Who is this course best suited for?
The most amazing part is that it truly is for any artist, beginner through advanced. If you’re a lash artist already doing Volume, we will challenge you to make larger fans with smaller diameters. This course is completely customized around the student and her individual needs as an artist.
[Image: Unsplash]