Goal setting can be difficult with countless amounts of tasks on your plate—both big and small. You also need to be realistic about how and when you can accomplish your goals. Salon owner and life/business coach Yara de la Torre shares her goal-setting advice.
Beauty Launchpad (BLP): As the year winds to a close, what advice do you have for stylists who are still looking to accomplish their goals by the end of the year?
Yara de la Torre (YT): Remember all things happen in perfect, divine timing, and there is no rush to the finish line. Your life and your business are yours to navigate and grow. As long as you’re taking inspired action forward toward your goals on a regular basis, there will be ebbs and flows. Don’t forget to rest! There is always a lesson to be learned in every experience—even *not* accomplishing a goal can teach you a lot and help you improve in future endeavors.
BLP: What are some tips you have for stylists who are looking to get serious about setting goals for themselves in the new year?
YT: Start now! The most successful people begin their yearly planning before the turn of the year to allow plenty of time for preparation. Additionally, look at your dreams on a grander scale first—think “big goal,” then create smaller bite-size goals that feel attainable, and begin entering them into your calendar to accomplish on set dates. Before you know it, you’ll be so much closer to your big goal! Be sure to mark your time off in advance, including vacations, self-care days and date nights.
BLP: Goal setting can be a stressful and even overwhelming experience for some. What strategies do you recommend to help combat this feeling?
YT: Examine your life and find the miracles you’ve already experienced—the things you’ve created or acquired that maybe you didn’t think were once possible. If you have gotten this far in life and done so many incredible things, then there’s no such thing as “impossible.” Dream big, and you’ll align yourself with that version of you who can make anything happen.
BLP: What are resources stylists can use to work on their goal-setting skills?
YT: Journaling is my go-to method for figuring out my deep-heart desires. Try visualizing what a perfect day for you would look like and how that would make you feel. Dreaming on paper is a great way to gain insight into what really moves you—it’s an effective first step to making your dreams a reality.