Isn't it ironic, that one of the seemingly easiest styles to do—the humble ponytail—can actually be one of the most difficult to perfect? Vivienne Mackinder, hair educator and industry icon, offers her insight through The Ponytail Story, a new course on her website, "I’m still humbled by the ponytail, which is really very difficult to do properly," she says, explaining that on Instagram, stylists typically show the backs of their clients' heads, not the front, "which is what clients actually see." Therefore, Mackinder argues, with clients taking selfies the styling game has to change. "We have, from the salon perspective, entered the once exclusive world of editorial styling," she states. "We now need to understand how to balance a ponytail by putting it in the right place to really create a cohesive look that fits the lifestyle, personality and esthetics of our clients/models—not to mention look great in a photo!" From this place, The Ponytail Story came to life—a collection of interactive, video-based styling tutorials on how to master the art of creating the perfect ponytail, including how to develop a great sense of style and how to sell through to clients.
Mackinder believes a truly beautiful ponytail should only take 10-15 minutes, but must also take crucial factors into consideration to craft well, regardless of whether it’s fashioned for day or night, or is chic, romantic, glam or edgy. In the course, she will teach you these elements of a successful ponytail:
· Face Shape/3 Wheels of Fashion – Understanding how to build a beautiful balanced silhouette that compliments face shape and profile, as well as lifestyle and personality.
· Foundation in Dresswork – Building a foundation, setting and prepping hair.
· Backcombing - The art of backcombing, 7 techniques for volume, root lift and control.
· Pin Placement – How to pin with confidence and longevity.
· Braiding Fundamentals – Adding abstract texture to designs that also provide support.
· The Consultation – How to be an artist designing from the inside out.
o How quiet or loud should the style be?
o Where does the client live in fashion?
o What is the sensuality of the look?
o Design to face shape and profile.
o Only then design the style and technique
If you're interested in learning more, register for The Ponytail Story on And Beauty Launchpad readers will receive 50% off by using the code Launchpad50
Credits: Hair/Vivienne Mackinder; Photographer/Desmond Murray; Makeup/Dave Maderick; Fashion/Montgomery Frazier; Hair Team/Cindy Depinto Elliot and Rosemary Tejeda.