In the second installment of his online educational campaign, stylist and Founder and Chief Creative Hair Artist of Donald Scott NYC, Donald Scott, aims to help hairdressers remove bulk when cutting. According to Scott, most haircuts have a weight line, but it’s easy for a style to look disproportionate and heavy if a section of hair is holding too much weight. To fix this problem, he recommends using a crisp razor to carve out the extra weight using the shape of the head as a guide.
See Scott's process in action in the video below!
- Prepare the hair with 2 even mists of Donald Scott NYC Prepare Liquid Tool Glide to dry hair for ultimate slip, glide and finish.
- With the Donald Scott NYC Swivel Twist Razor ($34.95 at, using the channel side, which removes 25% of the hair, glide the razor through the bulky parts of the hair using the head shape as a guide.
- Hold the Swivel Twist Razor on a 45 degree angle in a downward motion.
[Video courtesy of Donald Scott NYC]