To say that 2020 is an unusual time in the professional beauty industry would be a vast understatement; however, if life in a pandemic has taught us anything it is that knowledge—both personally and professionally—truly is power. Perhaps one of the easiest ways to stay in-the-know is by popping in your headphones. We caught up with the industry’s top beauty podcasters to learn what inspired them to start their audio journey and what makes their series unique. So, without further ado, here are five pro-beauty podcasts you should tune in to the next time you need some inspiration.
Ask the Color Expert
“Ask the Color Expert was inspired by my passion for hair color, paying it forward and sharing what I have learned over the years about how hair color truly works. What makes it unique is the variety of guests that I bring to each episode, most of whom are not colorists. We must be well-rounded and understandrelationships and the power ofconnection to be successful colorists. Eighty percent of what we do behind the chair has nothing to do with technical skills and everything to do with emotional intelligence—our success starts with the beliefs we hold about ourselves. I aspire to combine both technical and life-coaching through the power of a podcast platform.” —Elaine Travis
The Successful Stylist
UN-FOILED (@un_foiled)
“I’ve always been infatuated with the industry influencers. I was mesmerized by the people who have been able to make a name for themselves and have thriving careers ashairstylists. I could see the potential the career had, but was always curious about how to make it happen. Out of this curiosity,UN-FOILED was born. I talk with beauty professionals who have taken their careers to the next level. I speak to the ones who have gone from working behind the chair to exploring other avenues of this industry. I sit down with platform artists, educators, business owners, celebritystylists, published artists, and so manyothers. I ask them all how they thrive in this industry.” —Crystal Wilson
Hair Love Radio
“I wanted to create a podcast to amplify the voices of beauty professionals within our community. I wanted a space to share business education freely; allow experts to have an amazing platform; and help spread the hair love. Hair Love Radio is a place where we get into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to run a successful beauty business. No matter how big your dreams are or if you just want to live a more balanced life, Hair Love Radio is here to bring some Zen.We hope to put a fire under your butt to achieve what you have been called to do, and hopefully make you laugh along the way.” —Elizabeth Faye
The Hair Game
“The Hair Game podcast is a seriesbrought to you by Salon Republic (SR). After having interesting conversations with beauty professionals in our various locations, I found that a conversation I had with one pro would be greatly beneficial and valuable to another pro. From there, I figured a podcast would be a good way to scale these conversations and share with our SR family. With each of our episodes we try not only to entertain our audience with the unique stories of the artists we interview, but make sure they walk away with valuable advice and information that they can implement in their careers and businesses. We also conduct episodes that focus on the well-being of beauty professionals.” —Eric Taylor
Your Day Off Podcast
“This podcast was created to bring out the soul of the industry. Not only are we hairdressers who work behind the chair all day, but we are best friends of more than 30 years. That friendship allows us to feed off each other and lets the energy bounce off each other during each episode. We get into the stories, talk about the real stuff and keep the focus on the hairdressers. We want to be inclusive, not exclusive. We to talk to hairdressers about hairdressing and their struggles. So many people can relate to the stories of our guests. We all connect to hair, but each of us takes different paths. Listening to the story of a pro who was so close to quitting the business but stuck with it can help give a listener who may be at a breaking point the motivation to push through.” —Tony Stuart and Corey Gray