In the latest installment of b3 Brazilian Bond Builder’s mini video series, Conversations at the Color Bar, social media phenomenon Cynthia Lumzy opens up about what it means to be a “multi-cultural colorist,” breaking barriers of race and working with all hair textures, and gets candid about her color corrections, rainbows and vivids, and how b3 Brazilian Bond Builder has changed the game for coloring ethnic hair. Check out the video below!
Conversations at the Color Bar highlights some of the best and brightest colorists in the industry. The series has featured top artists like Danny Moon, Aura Friedman, Lorri Goddard, Rickey Zito, Linh Phan, Mustafa Avci, and Adrian Wallace, to name a few, uncovering what inspires them, how they work or their signature tricks of the trade, and what’s trending for them right now. See more Conversations at the Color Bar videos, HERE.