Tips for Maintaining Motivation to Flourish on a Personal and Professional Level

Motivation Tips

“In order to create the life you want, you need to master keeping yourself motivated so you can take the kind of action needed to attain your goals—which, for most people, are financial freedom and a happy life,” says business strategist Ronit Enos. Although getting motivated is easy enough, staying motivated can be tough. “Motivation is something you have to work on all the time,” stresses Enos. Here, she shares seven top tips for staying motivated no matter what life throws at you.

1. Know What You Want. Having definitive goals sets roots that reach deep and helps anchor the desire for achievement.

2. Get Up Early. Early rising allows time for doing the tasks needed to make you strong, healthy, and mentally and emotionally fit before the workday starts.

3. Create a Morning Ritual. Small practices done every a.m. center you, help you be in the present and make you mindful of the fact that you have a whole day before you. Try meditating for 15 to 20 minutes, going to the gym, or writing down things you’re grateful for and goals for the day.

4. Exercise. Breaking a sweat releases feel-good chemicals and makes you stronger, as well as provides a feeling of accomplishment that lends itself to greater self-confidence.

5. Stay Connected. Attend industry shows and surround yourself with like-minded salon owners and stylists. Not only is forging relationships with others good business sense, but also making peer connections helps to keep you motivated and hold you accountable.

6. Be Inspired. Whether you read self-help books, visit blogs, listen to podcasts, consume YouTube videos, or scroll through IG feeds, fill your mind with the wisdom and experience of the thousands of inspirational teachers and education out there—which may well include your pro- beauty peers!

7. Dwell in Wins. According to psychologist Rick Hanson, MD, author of e New York Times bestseller Hardwiring Happiness: e New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence, our brains lay down neural patterns rapidly when negative events happen. On the other hand, good things happen all the time, but they don’t make as big an impression on our brains. To counter this negativity, Hanson recommends savoring the positive. When something good happens, dwell on it for 30 seconds or so, relishing how nice it feels and how happy you are that it came to be. And feel free to reward yourself for your victory; you deserve it.


[Image: Bigstock]


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