In 2014, RevealU Skincare CEO Lauri Smetona began the journey to formulating skincare products that could protect and rejuvenate the skin. Aiming to lessen exposure to toxins and chemicals, she quickly realized that it was all about the base ingredient: water. It’s essential for adequate moisturizing and optimum cellular function, in addition to being an important vehicle for transporting nutrients to the skin. Although tap water is usually fine for drinking, it can be more alkaline or acidic than the skin’s pH level, which can cause breakouts, dryness and irritation. Good, clean water is an important building block for the body—and RevealU’s “magic water,” Rejuve Water.
With six powerful elements known throughout ancient history and modern science for their soothing and healing properties—platinum, gold, silver, copper, zinc and magnesium—Rejuve Water blends nature and science. Using certified California spring water highly rich in earth elements, a proprietary process transforms nature’s water and nutrients into millions of nano-sized particles that penetrate the epidermis to the deepest layer, smoothing and softening skin by maintaining moisture levels, retaining elasticity and defending against oxygen-related and UV damage. Other manufactures simulate a smooth feel with artificial chemicals, but RevealU water is naturally and scientifically enriched.
In January 2019, RevealU finally debuted its clean skincare line: Face & Body Gel, Face & Body Glow, Face & Body Gold and Face & Body Cleanse. The brand formulated its “magic water” into a lightweight gel that’s easily absorbed, leaving skin soft without a heavy feel. All ages, genders and ethnicities can benefit from using RevealU Face & Body gels; thanks to the line’s high water content, it’s compatible with a variety of skin types as a natural way to pack moisture into the skin. All four products have simple ingredient lists and are alcohol- , fragrance- , paraben- , oil- and cruelty-free. Using the collection together creates a transformative, noninvasive skincare regimen for the face and body.
RevealU Skincare Face & Body Glow is an exfoliant that polishes off dead skin cells, gentle enough for everyday use. For best results, apply with a gommage-inspired method: Allow the gel to dry for a few minutes, and with gentle massaging of skin, flick away dead cells to reveal a natural, velvety smooth complexion.
RevealU Skincare Face & Body Cleanse is a powerful cleanser that is suitable for all skin types. Ideal for acne-prone skin, and gentle enough for those with sensitivity issue and irritations. Charcoal and gold help accelerate the natural ion exchange to draw out impurities for a clear complexion. Thanks to charcoal’s ability to bind to impurities and toxins, they are easily washed and rinsed down the drain.
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