Doreen Guarneri, Co-creator and Global Artistic Director of American Culture brands and owner of The Look Spa Salon in Greenlawn, NY, achieves an outstanding rosé ombré with Pure Color and pure BLENDS. Here's how she gets the looks:
Step 1: Using an ombré backcomb technique, pre-lighten hair with Pure Color Ammonia Free Lightener (30 volume) and lift out to a yellow stage (approximately level 8).
Step 2: Rinse & cleanse hair, do not condition it. Towel blot hair very well.
Step 3: Using Pure BLENDS color depositing shampoo, apply equal parts of Sun and Red with a bowl and brush to ombré area. Stain for 10 minutes.
Step 4: Apply water to lather your shampoo application and rinse out. Mix a custom blended color depositing shampoo with Sun and Red for your client to maintain their beautiful rosé tone, using it every other shampoo at home. Voila!
[Image courtesy of American Culture Brands]
Easy Rosé Ombré Technique by Doreen Guarneri
Feb 19th, 2015